Made in China products have been popular and imported by many countries' business dealers, like Amazon sellers, online shops owners or gift products buyers. Unfortunalty, it's not easy to hunt the original manufactory from hundreds of distributing company who pretenting to be factory. We are offering the service to help clients to sourcing the most primitive manufactory to help them to gain more profit.
Here was some successfully soucing cases we did before.
Note: all below cases have got the permission from clients for showing to pubilic, and welcome to place order to them too.

Bluetooth adaptors, HK Client, at the beginning they paid high price to purchase from a trading company, we souced the factory and get same product by declining about 40%, and we charge get 10% benifit as commission.

As an exclusive high-tech electronic product online shop, Marsboy specialize in electronics accessories, bluetooth headphone,headsets and outdoors.
We worked closely with Marsboy brand team, and managed to find out the comsumer preference of bluetooth speakers, and help them to designed and produced this masterpiece product, which have ranged the top 3 in Amazon and Top 10 in Amazon US in 2016.

Gift order from UK clients, Adam Paul, business owner.
when he ask to get 3 thousand piece darts with much cheaper than Amazon and must be harmless. Our team soured the most matchable factory in 2 days and visited them face to face for better offer, and got the offer, and shipped all goods with OEM design in 1 week, the most efficient cooperation ever.

Germany Company, need to get a really manufactory supplier to purchase 10thouand piece phone holders for very cheap price, and we offered these sample in 1 day. We finished the order with high satisfied.

Order from UK gift company, need best price and fast delivery in 24 hours, we souced fast with sent out as clients demand, but little different in outlook, but client was still very happy with the fast delivery and price.

Demark used iPhone dealer, got the best price Noosy from us, $0.089, and his used to purchase with 0.12usd. We told him this would not the best price if they order more.
Here just some case our team used to cooperated, if you happen to have any demand now or in the future, please drop us an email to contact, thank you!