803,126 People Effected!
When time come to 31th, March, 2020, the global Coronavirus Cases reached 803,126 people and just yesterday, there are 61,404 people got effected, and total 39,032 people death of the virus.

In the same time, when lots of European clients purchase masks, gloves, infrared temperature control guns, they all found that the logistics all very slow, and why the logistics became so slow since it just took 4 days previously to ship products from China to European. So what is exactly happen during the global virus period. Here we make a DHL shipping from China to Italy time comparison table.
12-15 Days Pending for Masks!

The Comparison form shows when we shipped goods out 2 weeks ago, 17th, March, 2020, and it takes 5 days to reach Italy as usual.
1st day: Shipment information received
2nd Day: Processed at HONG KONG - HONG KONG
3rd Day: Processed at LEIPZIG - GERMANY
4th Day: Departed Facility in BERGAMO - ITALY
5th Day: Delivered
but now, it will take about 13 days to finish all the steps, so and most people will ask: when the logistics became so crowed? My answer will be: Monday, March 23, 2020, but actually saying, it's started from 21th.
When Did DHL Became Slow?- 21th!

We can see in the chart #1 and #2 the global daily case is just fast increased before and after 21th, totally 29,429 people got effected, specially in Spain and Italy, raised fast! but why it take about 1 weeks later than the increasing case? I mean 13th- 16th the number have growled a lot.
But Why?
Firstly is Shenzhen was about 16th announced to resume work, and the secondly is factory and trading companies spent 1 weeks to prepared big volume of medical products and almost shipped in same time. But the most lethal factor will be: due to COVID-19, the sharp drop in passengers between Europe and Hong Kong has led to a significant reduction in flights!
No Passengers, Not Enough Planes to Carry Goods

When there is not enough passage and huge volume goods pending for carrying, so the pending time is become longer and longer, and nobody knows when the goods will be load in planes and fly.
Here we make a lisitng about our goods shipped out to European countries and how long the leading times for your referance.
Sent out on 18th/ Departured on Sunday, March 22, 2020 to Netherland / DHL Tracking# 66297026xx
Thursday, March 26, 2020 #Delivered
Sent out on 21th/ Departured on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 to Italy / DHL Tracking# 94873523xx
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - Departed Facility in HONG KONG - HONG KONG #Still in HK
Sent out on 23th/ Departured on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 to Netherland/ DHL Tracking# 36557629xx
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - Shipment information received #Still in HK
Sent out on 24th/Departured on Sunday, March 29, 2020 to UK / DHL Tracking# 365574319x
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Departed Facility in HONG KONG - HONG KONG #Still in HK
Sent out on 25th/Departured on Sunday, March 26, 2020 to UK / DHL Tracking# 36557480xx
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Shipment information received #Still in HK
Sent out on 26th/Departured on Sunday, March 27, 2020 to Italy / DHL Tracking# 36557480xx
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Shipment information received #Still in HK
Sent out on 27th/Departured on Sunday, March 28, 2020 to Italy / DHL Tracking# 36557567xx
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Shipment information received #Still in HK

When The Logistics Traffic Jams Will Finish?
It will take 15-20days to digest those goods place on DHL and DHL agents' warehouse, and it depending on how is the virus situations going, and how fast the passengers flights back to normal, but our positive forecast and suggestion will be:
Shipping Time-- Leading Time
During 23th March- 14th April #leading time will be about 12-18 days
After 15th April #leading time will be 8-10 days
After all, all the leading time will depending on how the Virus been controlled, so please take good care of healthy and just be more patient.