We offer big quantity package to used iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi retailer and wholesale dealers each year. Some of them need to design and print their logo, some asked remove apple logo to avoid custom and unauthoratative risky, even some inquired for need change accessories space and DIY the inside structure by themself. All kinds of creative idea we have experienced and luckly we all met they demand to manufacture what them want. Below is the package we design and provide to most clients.
All kinds of boxes
Currently we are conventionally providing 4 kinds of boxes
- high copy standard boxes with logo
- white standard boxes with no logo
- iPhone care boxes with no logo or OEM your own logo
- Foldable iPhone boxes with no logo or OEM your own logo

1.Copy Standardboxes and full set accessories

2.White standard boxes

3.iPhone care pencil boxes

4.Foldable boxes

If you have any interesting, demand or question please contact with us, thanks.